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Read our New Patient Notes to get tips on how to best use our pharmacy’s services!
Our Services
In-Pharmacy Testing
We offer rapid in-pharmacy testing for Strep and Influenza (“flu”). If you test positive for strep or influenza, our pharmacists may be able to initiate treatment without the need for you to pay for an office visit with your physician.
RxLocal Smartphone App
Easily request refills, see your entire prescription list, set reminders, and contact us directly and securely with our RxLocal app. Just search for “rx local” on your Apple or Android device.

Unwanted Medication Disposal
We are authorized by the DEA to accept controlled and non-controlled medications for disposal. Just bring in your expired or unwanted medications and drop them into our blue MedSafe container.

Rx Ready Notifications
We can let you know the minute your prescription is ready via text message or email. Opt-in by letting a staff member know you’d like to be notified.
We offer seasonal flu shots as well as immunizations against COVID-19, shingles, pneumonia, and tetanus (with diphtheria and pertussis). Appointments are available most days.

Med Sync
Why make 2,3,4 or more stops to the pharmacy every month? Let us get your refills synced up so that you can pick them up all at once. We will even call you every month so you won’t have to remember to call us. It’s easy and free.

Diabetic Shoes
We fit Anodyne and Dr Comfort Diabetic Shoes, two of the best in the industry. If you are diabetic and have Medicare, you may qualify for up to 1 pair of shoes and 3 sets of custom inserts every calendar year. If you’ve tried the other brands, you owe it to yourself to try a pair.

Drive Thru Window
Sometimes you just want to drive up and go. Our drive thru window gives you the convenience of grabbing your prescription without even getting out of your car.

Free Delivery
We offer free delivery for your prescription medications and any over-the-counter products you might need. Deliveries are available in Harlan every weekday afternoon. We also offer free delivery to Earling, Avoca, Minden, Neola, Shelby, Persia, Portsmouth, Panama, and Westphalia on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

Dispill Packaging
Forget about all those confusing prescription vials. We can make your life much easier and safer by organizing your medications and placing them in Dispill packs. Let us manage your medications so you can spend your time on more enjoyable things. Ask us for details.